Tuesday, February 28, 2012


How to Draw an Ostrich

African native Ostrich is one of the largest flightless birds. It belongs to the Struthionidae family and is the only extant species of its kind. Despite heavy bodies (63 to 133 kilograms), ostriches are exceptionally good runners due to their strong legs. Their land speed is approximately 70 kilometers an hour, which is by far the highest record for any bird. Ostriches are known for their soft, multi-layered feathers that hold air inside and provide excellent insulation. As many as five subspecies of ostriches have been identified that vary in appearance.

Steps to draw ostrich: From artistic consideration, drawing an ostrich is not a very complex task, except defining the plumage. The following steps will guide you on the process:
• Model picture: The first step is to get a reference image of the bird that you wish to draw. It is convenient to browse through the internet as you can get a broad range to choose from. You may look for other options, like books, periodicals, journals, and newspapers also.
• Framework: The basic geometrical drawing of an ostrich does not pose much challenge. A freehand 'S-like' curve should be drawn that traces the structure and length of the body. Represent the head portion with an appropriate sized circle near the upper end of the curve. A large, rounded oval or a circle can be used for the body. Locate the legs by long, straight, or angular lines. Append small ovals at the end of these lines, for the feet.
• Body Structuring: As you refine the shape of the head, extend the beak in a flat, 'V-like' shape. The prominent eyes are placed near the beginning of the beak. For neck, draw lines on the either side of the reference line. Keep track of the thickness of the neck. Draw feathers on the rounded central portion. The legs of an ostrich are particularly strong and thicker than the other long-legged birds. Its feet have two toes of varying sizes. The primary toe has a curved nail. Its skin around the lower leg is ridged in a parallel fashion in the front.
• Color and Shading: It is a matter of preference whether you wish to create a pencil work or a color drawing.
Both entail detailed shading effects, especially on the central body. The Southern Ostrich has grayish-brown colored feathers and similarly colored body. The North African Red-necked Ostrich has pink to reddish head, neck, and feet. Its feathers in males are primarily black in color, while brown in the case of females. The Masai Ostrich has pink body with black & white feathers and brown tails. The Somali Ostrich has bluish grey bodies. The males have black plumes with white tails, while the females have deeper brown feathers.
Annette Labedzki received her BFA at the Emily Carr College of Art and Design in Vancouver, B.C. Canada. She has more than 25 years experience. She is the founder and developer of an online art gallery featuring original art from all over the world. Please visit the website at It is a great site for art collectors to buy original art. Artists can join for free and their image upload is unlimited.

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