Sunday, January 22, 2012

parrot types

Popular Parrot Types

With 354 known breeds of Parrots and you might feel overwhelmed when it to which is best for you? From the smallest Parakeet to the largest Macaw each breed exhibits its own characteristics. The term "parrot" is very general and all parrots have a curved beak shape and the familiar two toes on their foot-front and back. Biologists divide the parrot family into two families-Cockatoos and True Parrots. Parrots come in all colors and sizes and for the purpose of this article I am going to cover the 10 most popular breeds common attributes that make the best companions.
BUDGIE-PARAKEET: Discovered in Australia. The name parakeet comes from the Aboriginal language meaning long tail. One of the more social parrots and you will see them in the wild in large flocks They love attention. Parakeets are very good starter pets for younger children. Cost: $20-$150 depending on pedigree.

COCKATIEL: Second most popular breed after Parakeets. Originally they are from the outback regions of central Australia. Most cockatiels are bread in captivity and are readily available. Very gentle and highly social. They can live for 15-20 years if properly cared for. Cost: Under $100

LESSER SULPHUR-CRESTED COCKATOO: Usually white coloring with a yellow crest. They have a nice disposition and will soak up all the attention you can give them. They like being petted. They will play with toys that you give them and usually bond with one person. Not a talker. Cost: $1,000-2,500

UMBRELLA COCKATOO: They are larger than the Lesser Crested Cockatoo and are a bit more demanding for their owners' attention. From the Moluccan Islands of Indonesia. They are very vocal and talkative bird. Some say they are very noisy. Highly intelligent bird. Cost: $800-$1,400

MOLUCCAN COCKATOO: One of the largest Cockatoo breeds. Their coloration is a peach tint vs. the typical white coloring of most Cockatoo's. They are very good talkers. They can amuse themselves and that makes for an easy maintenance bird. Very Affectionate. Loud Call. Cost $1,800-$2,300

SENEGAL PARROT: From the African Savannah. One of the smallest parrots, they have a bright and unique coloration. Very friendly and quite vocal. Be sure to get this breed from a breeder. The birds caught in the wild are very temperamental. Not particularly good talkers. Cost: $150-$500

CONURE PARROT: From South America. They are called a Mini-Macaw because of their bright feather coloration. Conure Parrots are easy to take care of vs. larger parrots. At times they are very loud. Provide them toys to satisfy their chewing desire. Cost: $300-$400

ECLECTUS PARROT: They originate in the south seas area of Australia, Moluccas, and New Guinea. The male and female are distinctly different colors. Good talkers and can imitate speech and sounds. Their non-demanding nature makes them a good companion. Cost: $600-$2,000 depending on the pedigree.

African Gray Parrot: The most prolific talker of all the parrots. Some have been known to know several thousand words and phrases. Can be temperamental and some are biters. They will bond with one person and are very independent. They have a sensitive nature. Cost: About $1,000

Blue-and-Yellow Macaw: Macaws are the epitome of most peoples image of a parrot. From Central and South America. MaCaws are the largest of all the parrot breeds so you need a lot of room for these fellows. Very social therefore more demanding than other parrots: Cost: $800-$2,000

Want more information,do a Google search for "parrot types" Don't buy a breed you are not familiar with because they are lifetime companions. Doing your homework will eliminate any surprises when you get home.
About the Author: Michael Joseph is a parrot enthusiast. He enjoys sharing Parrot care tips. Check out his videos at: Learn About Parrots []. Michael Joseph is the author of the Learn About Parrots system consisting of 2 eBooks: Raising Polly-Everything you need to know about raising a healthy, happy and well adjusted Parrot and Training Your Parrot-12 simple tricks your parrot can learn. For more information about Parrot Care and to get your FREE 10-part mini ecourse on how to care for your parrot, please visit

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