Saturday, January 28, 2012

parrot talking

Get Your Quaker Parrot Talking

Looking to get your Quaker Parrot talking?
One of the most appealing features of a Quaker parrot is talking. These friendly birds can hold conversations and imitate sounds quite effectively how.

However, they don't always do it the way we want. Many people attempt to teach their parrots to talk through the use of tapes or discs. Often, they're disappointed. While small birds, such as parakeets and cockatiels, can learn to mimic these recordings, larger birds, such as Quaker parrots, don't start talking, even though they've heard hours and hours of what sounds like human speech.
The reason that using recordings to get a Quaker talking isn't very effective is because parrots aren't just mimics. They repeat sounds we make in an attempt to communicate with us. In the wild, this kind of mimicry allows them to feel like they're part of a flock.
At home, we're the only flock they have, so they try to talk to us. Since a tape doesn't impart any meaning to the parrot, he or she recognizes it only as unusual background noise. A more effective way of teaching your parrot to talk is by helping him or her attach meaning to specific sounds.
Talk to your young Quaker as though it were a baby or young child, and you'll find that you get better results. The best talkers are the ones that are spoken to as though they are expected to learn language themselves.
Of course, the meanings that your parrot attaches to words aren't always the ones you'd like it to. Parrots react to the words and sounds that get a reaction out of you (creating entertainment for them), or that have meaning to them (getting out of the cage, receiving a treat, making a request). This is why so many parrots pick up swear words and other undesirable phrases when they talk. If the word makes you excited, they reason, it must be a good one.
One method that can work for getting Quaker parrots talking is modeling. A human or another bird performs the action that's desired in front of your parrot, and gets a reward. This can teach your parrot that it wants to do that (and get the treat), too.
This works best for tricks based on natural behaviors, such as wing-spreading and foot-lifting, but can be used to model desired phrases or sounds. Remember that, like small children, Quaker parrots have short attention spans. This means that you should keep all training sessions short (less than fifteen minutes) and have them occur more often, rather than trying for a few long sessions.
Get your Quaker parrot talking, learn more tricks, and find out everything you've ever wanted to know about parrots by visiting:

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